cacédhu , nm: catedhu, catzedhu Definition su fedu minore de su cane; fintzes pigione de mata essiu in is arraighinas acanta a su truncu; ómine pillingronaxu, pedidore / min. cacedhedhu, catedhutzu Synonyms e antonyms caciúciu, caciurru, calledhu, calligionedhu, callúciu / brione, pigionatzu, rebudhu Sentences su béciu portat unu cacedhedhu avatu ◊ custu no est catedhu, tantu est abbaidadu e tentu contu! ◊ est sempri avatu che catzedhu de carradori 2. cussos sunis cacedhos papadores! Surnames and Proverbs smb: Cacceddu, Caceddu, Catteddu, Catzeddu, Cazzeddu Scientific Terminology anall Etymon ltn. catellus Translations French petit chien English doggy Spanish cachorro, polloni Italian cagnolino German Hündchen.

callellédhu , nm Definition min. de callellu Synonyms e antonyms cacedhedhu, calligionedhu, catedhutzu Translations French petit chien English doggy Spanish cachorrito Italian cagnolino German kleiner Hund.

callúciu , nm: callutzu Definition su fedu de su cane / min. callucedhu Synonyms e antonyms caciúciu, caciurru, calledhu, calligionedhu Surnames and Proverbs smb: Callucciu Translations French petit chien English puppy Spanish cachorrito Italian cagnolino German kleiner Hund.

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